GeoN Pore Pressure Meter
The GeoN Pore Pressure Kit consists of a pressure transducer, a cable and a read out unit/logger, Pi30. A single-ended hypodermic needle is mounted on the transducer.
When the transducer is lowered down through the pipe to the filter tip, the needle penetrates the rubber disc in the tip, the transducer connects to the aquifer. The water pressure will be transferred through the needle to the sensor of the transducer. The pressure is shown in the display of Pi30.
The transducer can either be pulled up again in order to be used in another point or it can be permanently connected to the filter tip for a continuous measurement of the pore pressure, Pi30 then used as an auto logger.
You can connect the Pi30 to your PC for data transfer and further data handling. Used as a logger, Pi30 stores 4.000 values.
Features of the GeoN Pore Pressure Meter:
- One single equipment can be used for measurements in an unlimited number of points
- The transducer is not a part of the filter tip which makes installation of the tip uncomplicated
- Permanently installed (for continuous measurement), the transducer can anytime be pulled up for checking of the zero reading, for a general function check, for calibration, repair or replacement
- A clogged filter can easily be flushed by use of a GeoN Groundwater sampler (1” system) – Gas in the filter tip can easily be removed by use of a GeoN Groundwater Sampler (1” system)
GeoNordic – Manufacturer and distributor of GeoN Groundwater Technology and VJK AC Indicators
Phone: +46 (0)70 592 75 33